SharePoint coadmin August 15, 2022
Connect people, news, knowledge, and apps
Content collaboration for the modern workplace intranet

Share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork, quickly find information, and seamlessly collaborate across the organization.

Connect your workplace by powering a new generation of intelligent content and communication experiences.

Intelligent Intranet

Engage and empower your employees

Empowering staff to self-serve rather than picking up the phone to a colleague

Training, preboarding and onboarding

Company intranet can prove highly effective and efficient, maximizing
the experience for your employees

Streamline scheduling and task management

Manage shifts, associate tasks with teams, digitize scheduling and task execution

Enable communication and collaboration within team

Users can experience virtual communities, breaking down the barriers of time zones, geographies and different languages

Document Management System

Real-time collaboration
Access documents from anywhere
Document storage
Storage capacity, multi document types support, indexing, and enterprise search
Document consistency, security and compliance
Versioning, restricted data sharing, and data encryption
Process automation
Workflows, alerts and notifications, digitalizing paperwork

Information Protection & Governance

Protect your data

Flexible protection actions including encryption, access restrictions and visual markings

Prevent data loss

Detect risky behavior and prevent accidental oversharing of sensitive information

Govern your data

Automatically retain, delete, and store data and records in a complaint manner

Retention policies & labels

Comply with regulations, laws, and business practices to protect proprietary information


Employee Onboarding
Streamline and refine your new employee onboarding process by creating a new employee landing experience that connects new hires to resources, people, culture, and access a new hire onboarding checklist
Learning Center Solution
Microsoft 365 learning pathways is a customizable, on-demand learning solution designed to increase usage and adoption of Microsoft 365 services in your organization
Ready to Get Started?

Reach out to our team for more info